Llaves + cerraduras de cajones de efectivo
Obtenga más información sobre llaves y cerraduras de repuesto
¿Necesita ayuda con la elección de la llave o la cerradura de repuesto correctas para su cajón de efectivo o sistema TPV? ¡Está en buenas manos! APG ofrece diferentes tipos de cerraduras por clasificación. La mayoría de los cajones de efectivo incluyen cerraduras clasificadas como estándar, integradas en la placa frontal del propio cajón de efectivo. APG somete a rigurosas pruebas de control de calidad cada una de las cerraduras y los mecanismos de cierre de los cajones de efectivo antes de realizar el envío. We can help! APG offers several different lock styles and grades. Most cash drawers include a standard-grade lock built in to the cash drawers faceplate. Each cash drawers lock and locking mechanism is fully tested at APG prior to shipment.
Elija una opción a continuación para obtener más información sobre las posibilidades que ofrecemos para nuestras llaves y cerraduras de repuesto. Consulte todas las posibilidades que ponemos a su disposición y compre los repuestos que necesite directamente en nuestra tienda online.
Llaves de repuesto
Need to Find Your Key Code?
Your key code can be found directly on the keys and also on the lock.

Already know your code? Click here to refer to these charts to buy the keys you need
Refer to the chart below if your key code begins with an “A” followed by a number between 1 and 10 (Example A1)
Key Code | Key Set Part Number | |
A1 | PK-8K-A1 | ORDER NOW |
A2 | PK-8K-A2 | ORDER NOW |
A3 | PK-8K-A3 | ORDER NOW |
A4 | PK-8K-A4 | ORDER NOW |
A5 | PK-8K-A5 | ORDER NOW |
A6 | PK-8K-A6 | ORDER NOW |
A7 | PK-8K-A7 | ORDER NOW |
A8 | PK-8K-A8 | ORDER NOW |
A9 | PK-8K-A9 | ORDER NOW |
A10 | PK-8K-A10 | ORDER NOW |
Refer to the chart below if your key code is three digits (Example: 235)
Key Code | Key Set Part Number | |
235 | VPK-8K-235 | ORDER NOW |
243 | VPK-8K-243 | ORDER NOW |
435 | VPK-8K-435 | ORDER NOW |
542 | VPK-8K-542 | ORDER NOW |
Cerraduras de repuesto
Need help finding your lock set code?
Replacement lock kits are specific to the cash drawer. Click on the accordions below for your cash drawer. If you have an APG Cash Drawer (click here to find your APG Cash Drawer part number) and your key code does not match any of the available key codes from our site, please contact us at 763-571-5000 or info@apgsolutions.com. A photo or APG part number with your key code would be necessary to help assist you further.

Series 4000 Cash Drawer Lock charts and Video (Part Number starts with “J”)
Series 4000 Cash Drawer part number starts with letter “J”
(Example: JD320-BL1816-C)
If you have an APG Cash Drawer, but don’t see your code listed, please contact APG at sales.na@apgsolutions.com and sales.eu@apgsolutions.com or +1 763-571-5000. Please have your APG Cash Drawer part number ready. Need help finding your part number? Click here. All orders placed after 10 am Central Time Zone will not be processed until the next business day.
Lock Code | Lock Set Part Number | |
A1 | PK-808LS-A1 | ORDER NOW |
A2 | PK-808LS-A2 | ORDER NOW |
A3 | PK-808LS-A3 | ORDER NOW |
A4 | PK-808LS-A4 | ORDER NOW |
A5 | PK-808LS-A5 | ORDER NOW |
A6 | PK-808LS-A6 | ORDER NOW |
A7 | PK-808LS-A7 | ORDER NOW |
A8 | PK-808LS-A8 | ORDER NOW |
A9 | PK-808LS-A9 | ORDER NOW |
A10 | PK-808LS-A10 | ORDER NOW |
Series 4000 Cash Drawer Lock Changing Video
Series 100 Cash Drawer Lock Chart and Video (Part Number starts with “T”)
Series 100 Cash Drawer part number starts with the letter “T”
(Example: T320-BL1616-C)
If you have an APG Cash Drawer, but don’t see your code listed, please contact APG at sales.na@apgsolutions.com and sales.eu@apgsolutions.com or +1 763-571-5000. Please have your APG Cash Drawer part number ready. Need help finding your part number? Click here. All orders placed after 10 am Central Time Zone will not be processed until the next business day.
Lock Code | Lock Set Part Number | |
A1 | PK-408LS-A1 | ORDER NOW |
A2 | PK-408LS-A2 | ORDER NOW |
A3 | PK-408LS-A3 | ORDER NOW |
A4 | PK-408LS-A4 | ORDER NOW |
A5 | PK-408LS-A5 | ORDER NOW |
A6 | PK-408LS-A6 | ORDER NOW |
A7 | PK-408LS-A7 | ORDER NOW |
A8 | PK-408LS-A8 | ORDER NOW |
A9 | PK-408LS-A9 | ORDER NOW |
A10 | PK-408LS-A10 | ORDER NOW |
Series 100 Cash Drawer Lock Changing Video
Vasario Series Electronically Operated (No Push Button) Lock Chart and Video
Vasario Series Cash Drawer Lock (No Push Button)
(Example VB320-BL1616)
If you have an APG Cash Drawer, but don’t see your code listed, please contact APG at sales.na@apgsolutions.com and sales.eu@apgsolutions.com or +1 763-571-5000. Please have your APG Cash Drawer part number ready. Need help finding your part number? Click here. All orders placed after 10 am Central Time Zone will not be processed until the next business day.
Lock Code | Lock Set Part Number | |
235 | VPK-8LS-235 | ORDER NOW |
243 | VPK-8LS-243 | ORDER NOW |
435 | VPK-8LS-435 | ORDER NOW |
542 | VPK-8LS-542 | ORDER NOW |
Vasario Series Cash Drawer Lock Changing Video
Vasario Series Manually Operated (Push Button) Lock Chart and Video
Vasario Manually Operated (Push Button)
(Example VP101-BL1616)
If you have an APG Cash Drawer, but don’t see your code listed, please contact APG at sales.na@apgsolutions.com and sales.eu@apgsolutions.com or +1 763-571-5000. Please have your APG Cash Drawer part number ready. Need help finding your part number? Click here. All orders placed after 10 am Central Time Zone will not be processed until the next business day.
Lock Code | Lock Set Part Number | |
235 | VPK-8PLS-235 | ORDER NOW |
243 | VPK-8PLS-243 | ORDER NOW |
435 | VPK-8PLS-435 | ORDER NOW |
542 | VPK-8PLS-542 | ORDER NOW |
Vasario Series Cash Drawer Lock Changing Video