Redefining Cash? It’s More than Bills and Coins The word “cash” brings to mind bank notes and coins. But we also use the term to mean something other than legal tender – usually in a comparative context. For instance, a...
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Blog + Thought Leadership on POS Trends
Cash During A Recession
Are We in a Recession? If So, Having Cash Helps Ongoing stock market volatility and record inflation are fueling predictions of a recession. If the predictions are correct, both businesses and individuals will be looking to protect their liquidity and...
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Retailers Are Prioritizing Innovation in IT Spending
Retailers are increasing their IT budgets and allotting a bigger portion of those budgets to innovation. They are investing in cloud-based and automation solutions to replace aging technology to meet customer demand for omnichannel experiences and cope with a severe...
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Three Post-Pandemic Imperatives for Retailers
After two years, society has shifted to better navigate new COVID-strains, flexing social distancing rules and everchanging "new normals". Now with a clearer path to the future, retailers should optimistically devise post-pandemic strategies that account for changes in customer behavior....
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Technologies to Support the Cannabis Dispensaries of the Future
The cannabis market is enjoying explosive growth. Estimated at $28 billion in 2021, it is on track to reach $198 billion in 2028. For resellers serving the market, this translates to substantial opportunities to sell POS Solutions, including cash management,...
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Choosing The Right Fit For Your Business
Anatomy of a Cash Drawer The cash drawer, in varying forms, has been a core component of the retail business for as long as people have exchanged money for goods. Any business accepting hard currency needs one but choosing the...
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New Year, New Name: Why apg® Chose To Rebrand
The coming New Year will be rife with change, including a new name for one long-standing point of sale company. Effective January 2022, APG Cash Drawer will officially drop “Cash Drawer” from its name and introduce a new tagline to...
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How to Retain Retail and Hospitality Employees in a Post-Pandemic World
These are trying times for restaurants and retailers. You`re dealing with supply chain issues and a labor shortage. Frustration is running high among customers, who too often are lashing out at retail and restaurant workers. The "Great Resignation" has impacted...
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Ten Retail Trends to Watch in 2022
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 proved to be another atypical year for retailers. As we look into the coming year, don't expect things to go back to normal just yet. 2022 will bring its own set of opportunities and...
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Cash Advocates Fight for American Freedoms of Payment Choice in Washington
While the cashless movement gained momentum during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, advocates of the right to use cash are taking their fight to Congress. In July, Rep. Donald M. Payne Jr., D-NJ, introduced a bill to prohibit...
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