The Growing Need for Durable and Dependable Cash Drawers
Federal legislation mandates that U.S. cannabis dispensaries handle all transactions in cash, presenting a significant operational challenge. Managing cash in this environment is labor-intensive and prone to errors, unless merchants get access to reliable cash management and POS solutions to ensure smooth business operations. Effective cash management is key for cannabis merchants striving to maintain compliance and profitability.
apg® specializes in high-capacity cash drawers, advanced cash management solutions, and cash recyclers tailored to meet the unique challenges of cannabis businesses. Our innovative technologies streamline cash handling processes, enhance security, and optimize efficiency, empowering cannabis merchants to focus on growth and customer satisfaction.
Facts + Statistics

Licensed Business
There are currently 15,000 cannabis dispensaries in the U.S. | Pew Research

Cannabis Legalization
As of April 2024, 24 states have legalized recreational cannabis use in the U.S. | Pew Research

Growth Potential
Revenue is forecasted to reach $42.98 billion in 2024 | Statista
Our Recommended Drawers for the Medicinal Cannabis Industry

Vasario Series Cash Drawer
Series 100 Cash Drawer
For a cost-effective solution, consider the Vasario cash drawer. Built to meet the demands of dispensaries, the Vasario cash drawer comes in various sizes to fit your specific setup.
With durability tested to exceed one million transactions, the Vasario cash drawer ensures smooth and efficient operations.
The Series 100 is ideal for the needs of the cannabis industry, offering ample storage with a deep under-till compartment designed to hold coin rolls and packaged currency.
Tested to last beyond four million transactions, the Series 100 can withstand the high-volume demands of dispensary transactions.