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Creating the Buyer-Driven Brand

Today, buyers are used to a certain pace of change, and they expect brands to keep up with them. Buyers have bandwidth issues and as solution providers, it’s our job to invest in technologies and solutions that can keep up with their demands. We can do this by implementing technology the enables omni-channel retailing and the mobile checkout experience. There are three keys to building a buyer-driven brand: support your buyer’s journey, help your buyers buy better, and make your marketing meaningful. Below are some insights on how to help your organization become a buyer-driven brand.

Communicate through the eyes of the buyer

Give them the information they want-information that will help them solve their problems. Start identifying with your B2B customers and their issues. They care about their problems and how you can help solve them. Buyers want content that supports their journey, not just the sales process. Create content on causes that the buyer cares about, and you can get behind. Be conduit to information and insights buyers want in and outside your organization. Most brands are so self-absorbed when they should be buyer driven.

Do what you say you’re going to do

Buyers don’t pay attention to what brands say, but what they do. A buyer driven brand’s only purpose is to serve the buyer. A buyer driven brand defines what a company does best and combines it with what a buyer wants most. They serve a singular purpose-to serve the purpose of the buyer. They make others successful–heroes of their own stories. Buyer driven brands are generous. They don’t just create marketing campaigns, they identify with buyers and create meaning. Being generous to buyers and their causes will drive them to choose and compel them to champion your brand.

The importance of an online presence

Buyers are changing the game. 60% or more of B2B buyers are conducting research online ahead of time. It’s now more important than ever to have an online presence. If you don’t have a website or a presence on Google you’re losing business to your competitors. Invest in applications that will assist you with SEO-your customers will make a buying decision based on online data without the help of an educated sales person.

Get on board with social media

Convince your organization that social media is a fundamental change and it’s here to stay. There are no secrets anymore. There is a ROI to social media and if you’re not on board, your competitors are stealing your customers in this channel. Social media is a way to communicate. Marketing is about demand creation-social media is another tool to help brands be heard through the noise. 90% of what you do is about the people-not about the tools. Don’t invest a ton of money in a tool your team will never use. Identify your goals and test your processes. Find the one that is the most meaningful to you. Start conversations on webinars, newsletters, and podcasts. Evaluate all platforms and procedures before purchasing management software. Not every social media channel is right for everyone. You can’t control the conversations that happen on social media-have a plan for handling difficult customers/conversations. A few negative leaders can tank a good conversation. Don’t be afraid to jump in and nip them in the bud. Conversations can turn quickly.

Marketing is about buyer engagement

Stop thinking about Marketing as making money. Marketers need to make sure their content is targeted toward buyers, but given from the standpoint of advisors. Stop thinking about campaigns-think about engagement. Learn to manage your systems of engagement. Get your “S’s” organized: Strategy, Structure, Story, and Sharing.

Enable the buyer to be the hero

The Brand’s role used to be the Hero. Now customers are empowered and brands need to make the buyer the hero. Brands are the advisors. Brands are the mentors. Figure out whom in your company can help share that story. The more people involved in that messaging the better. You have nothing to fear aside from being left out. Create content that helps the customers make better buying decisions and to be the heroes of their own stories.

Leverage your success and your insights

The era of speeds and feeds is over. Invest time and money into success stories and white papers. If you don’t, you’re missing the opportunity to promote your brand and your value. Leverage your expertise with case studies. In B2B you need to have small competitive advantages: insights, technology, and people. Leverage your insights about your market, Integrate and invest in tools, and have the right people and training for your company.

Create communities for brand advocates

Form online forums and promote communities. Create a network where your customers can give you their feedback. Legacy portal feedback has morphed into social point solution centers. Many companies are unprepared for the two-way conversation. There is a clear life cycle for comments within a community. Be prepared for feedback and identify and look for how to improve a process across an organization. Communities increase sales: create value added services, expand customer mind share, and increase collaboration. Communities offer better customer service because self-service causes deflection. Create a community that helps them influence or interface with others like them. Communities build advocates who defend and enhance a brand.

Great content will always trump slick design. Enough said.


More Info/Resources:

BMA MN Skill Builder Workshop: A Focus on B2B Social Media

  • Chris Schermer: Activating a Powerful Brand Strategy
  • Ryan Carlson: Technology Trends and Pragmatic Implementations
  • Eric Scheel: Deepening Customer Interactions
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