Simplify Cash Management

The smarttill® solution redefines cash management through cutting-edge innovation: AI weighing technology that instantly counts your banknotes and coins, providing real-time cash insights with unrivalled accuracy. The data collected by the smarttill® solution is fed into a powerful back-office for in-depth analysis of all your operations, all the while ensuring maximum simplicity and user-friendliness.
smarttill® Solution Suite Overview: How It Works
Track and monitor your cash handling activities and cash performance in conjunction with the smarttill® Solution.

smarttill® Solution

smarttill® Connector

CurrentSee® Software
Managing cash at the Point of Sale can be a time consuming and costly process for any retail environment. The smarttill® Solution is a revolution in cash management, providing in-lane accountability and enabling retailers to significantly reduce cash losses, deliver operational savings through automated cash handling processes and improving the customer experience.
The smarttill® Solution has built-in intelligence that integrates with Point of Sale software packages and communicates with a cash management cloud-based SaaS platform called CurrentSee®.
smarttill® Connector is a free-standing solution that quickly and easily connects the smarttill® solution with existing Point of Sales systems.

Multiple Sizes in Vertical
or Front-Opening Options
The smarttill cash drawer is available as a slide-out and flip-top model, with till configurations for both US and European currencies.
smarttill® Connector + CurrentSee®
smarttill® Connector enables you to gather transaction information from any Windows based Point of Sale system avoiding traditional heavy integrations.
The simple and easy to use user interface provides access to transactions used for items like cash top ups and cash lifts. This helps provide a complete transaction history of all cash movements and aides in cash loss investigations and tracking of front to back-office cash movements.

How CurrentSee® Works
CurrentSee® tracks and monitors your cash handling activities and cash performance in conjunction with the smarttill® Solution in real-time, allowing you to be proactive in cash handling operations, to streamline processes, analyze cash losses proficiently and obtain greater detail and insight than ever before. CurrentSee® Software delivers tailored dashboards with insights and reports such as topup requirements, cashier and till discrepancies, rolling floats, and cash lifts.
Achieve Simplified Cash Handling
The smarttill Solutions captures, in real-time, all cash activity at its location and reconciles to sales made. This information is collected without affecting transaction time or interrupting the retail transaction. The smarttill® Solution can be integrated with your Point of Sale hardware/software.
Four Key Areas of Impact

- Eradicate manual cash till counts and reduce lane reconciliation and cash loss investigation time
- Reduce lane cash lift and top up operations
- Redeploy labour for an improved shopping experience

Loss Prevention
- Detailed cash transaction audit trail
- Ability to integrate CCTV to pinpoint discrepancies
- Reduce cash losses by up to 90%

- Reduce cash in transit (CIT) fees
- Reinvest your “dead” cash

Data Analysis
- Security alerts on cash discrepancy errors, cash lifts, top ups
- Predictive analytics; cashier, lane and store performance data

Data Insights
Our dashboard provides custom defined insights giving you a clear view of your business and pinpoint potential operational efficiencies.

Areas for Improvement
Custom defined dimensions allows you to gain a clear view of your business and pinpoint areas for improvement.

Ease of Use
Deploy the lightweight and secure CurrentSee® Software to quickly begin to get insights into your cash handling operations using the smarttill® solution
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