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Think about it, $1.63 trillion dollars in cash is currently circulating the US Market, according to the US Federal Reserve. While owners of restaurants, small retailers, and concession stands may not understand the value of cash drawers, the influx of cash suggests otherwise. Your customers need to understand the importance of cash use and trends, as a large segment of consumers remain reluctant to trust cyber payment options and banking relationships. APG’s Vasario product family of cash drawers are just the right POS solutions your customers either need or want. Our In-house testing facility has shown our Vasario product doesn’t miss a beat. They’ve been tested to last for over 1 million transactions and are cost-effective without sacrificing quality. You can be confident that your customers will be satisfied with the customer service and experience they deliver while using APG’s Vasario cash drawer solution.

APG Cash Drawer LLC, a fast-growing global manufacturer of cash management solutions in Minneapolis, celebrates forty years of commitment and service to a wide variety of retail and hospitality environments. Since its inception on May 31st, 1978, the Company has developed an extensive portfolio of cash drawer and cash management solutions, including the innovative SMARTtill® Technology platform, for small and large retailers across the globe. APG is known as an industry leader, while striving to be the best and preferred choice for cash management solutions at the point of sale. “A lot has changed within the point of sale industry in forty years and I am honored to be a part of it,” stated Mark J. Olson, President and CEO of APG Cash Drawer. “This milestone not only represents the dedication and tireless efforts of our entire APG Team, but the support and loyalty of all our partners and customers for the past 40 years. It has been a journey, not a destination and we’re all eager to see what the next 40 years will bring. Thank you for your continued support.” “Forty years of delivering innovative point-of-sale solutions and exceptional customer service is a momentous accomplishment for any organization in today’s environment,” stated Andrew Carr, Managing Director at APG EMEA. “We are fortunate to have achieved this landmark on the shoulders of our customers, current and former employees, vendors, investors, strategic partners and affiliates around the world. This is solely due to the long-standing relationships cultivated with them for the last 40 years – Thank you!”

Hecho: El efectivo representa el 30-45 % de todas las transacciones mundiales. ¿Cuáles son los objetivos y desafíos de sus puntos de venta? ¿Tiene problemas a la hora de gestionar el flujo de efectivo? ¿Problemas con la merma de efectivo? ¿Problemas con el desperdicio de horas de trabajo de los empleados? ¿Contratiempos con el aumento de la tasa de trabajo relativos al aumento de las tarifas de trabajo, así como a la hora de encontrar mano de obra cualificada y gestionar los costes operativos? Los minutos y las horas dedicadas físicamente a contar y mover efectivo resultan ineficientes. Esto genera un callejón sin salida en los Puntos de Venta, que afectan al servicio de atención al cliente, provoca abandonos de sus clientes perjudicando el resultado final. La pérdida de efectivo es una de las preocupaciones principales de los profesionales del sector minorista, desde supermercados, pasando por restaurantes de servicio rápido, hasta estaciones de servicio y tiendas de conveniencia. Al final del día, la mayoría de las veces, el recuento de la caja rara vez coincide con los ingresos esperados. Cuando varios cajeros utilizan el mismo punto de venta, puede resultar imposible identificar la causa del problema, ya sea un error del cajero o un robo. No todas las discrepancias son iguales y no todos los ladrones llevan máscara. Pero ¿qué pasaría si tuviese los datos necesarios para proporcionarle una visibilidad total del efectivo de sus TPV Puntos de Ventas? ¿Qué pasaría si pudiera contabilizar todo el efectivo de su establecimiento desde el momento de la venta o ingreso del efectivo hasta el momento en que se efectúa el ingreso en el banco? En APG Cash Drawer, tenemos una solución para usted. Le presentamos la solución de gestión de efectivo SMARTtill®. Una verdadera revolución en la gestión de efectivo, que permite a los minoristas erradicar la pérdida de efectivo, reducir los costes de la laboriosa gestión de efectivo, y permite mejorar el servicio de atención al cliente de sus establecimientos. La solución SMARTtill® registra todos los valores y actividades movimientos de efectivo con sus diferentes denominaciones localizándolos de su ubicación en tiempo real, sin interrumpir las transacciones de los clientes. A continuación, envía la mencionada información al back office, lo que permite a los gerentes obtener información en tiempo real sobre el efectivo disponible, así como visibilidad total del efectivo en los diferentes puntos de ventas del TPV. Esta información se puede consultar en cualquier lugar, incluso desde tablets y dispositivos móviles. En las líneas de caja, a nivel de tienda y regionalmente, así como en las sedes centrales o a nivel de empresa. Nadie tiene tiempo para revisar minuciosamente horas y horas de imágenes de vigilancia. Y ahora ya no tendrá que hacerlo. Reciba alertas instantáneas cuando se produzca una discrepancia. Deje que la solución de gestión de efectivo SMARTtill® sea su elemento disuasorio personal frente a robos, proporcionando datos fiables en base a los que actuar. Sepa cuánto efectivo hay en sus cajas en todo momento. Vuelva a poner el dinero “muerto” en circulación e inviértalo en lo que considere oportuno. La solución SMARTtill® le proporcionará los datos necesarios para tomar decisiones rápidas y precisas, relacionadas con su negocio, que beneficiarán en gran medida sus resultados. En APG Cash Drawer, entendemos los retos a los que se enfrenta en lo que a la gestión de efectivo respecta y, con la solución SMARTtill®, sus empleados y la dirección, gozarán de tranquilidad, grandes ahorros en costes laborales y más tiempo para disfrutar de la vida. La solución SMARTtill®: gestión del manejo del efectivo simplificado.

Are your customers looking for peace of mind when it comes to their POS solutions in high or low volume traffic areas? Does it concern them that their cash drawer solution may not take the hip checking or drawer slamming that their cash drawers experience? If you are a reseller/dealer, customers need assurance that their POS solutions can take the hits and keep on working. Providing the most durable and dependable cash drawer solutions is one way to ensure a loyal and value-added relationship with your customers. APG’s motto “install it, forget it” is not a mirage. Our Heavy-duty cash drawer solutions are built and designed to withstand and resist the abuse of high-volume transaction environments such as grocery stores, fast-food restaurants, gas stations, and convenience stores.

Jody Green is the Customer Relations Manager at APG’s Minneapolis, MN, USA Headquarters. Get to know her in this edition of APG’s Employee Spotlight series!

Do you operate nightclubs, bars or cannabis dispensaries? Are you having issues managing cash too much cash in your establishments? We understand that you need a point-of-sale solution that can help you alleviate cash handling issues, provide security and seamless transactions, store large sums of cash and increase operational efficiency. APG’s innovative SMARTtill® Cash Management Solution enables you to reduce cash losses, reduce the cost of cash handling, and improve in-store productivity. Furthermore, you will be able to tracks all cash movements without service interruptions as it identifies and flags errors by shift, time, cashier and transaction allowing you to save up to 30 minutes per point of sale, per day on cash counts. Discover how you can reduce cash losses by up to 90% with the SMARTtill® Solution. Decrease the time spent on manual cash handling and cash loss investigation by contacting us!

Does your customer’s POS system look like this… full of cobwebs and they don’t know how to turn this into a mobile solution like this? Many retailers today are looking for a solution that will allow them to interact with their customers, as well as be user-friendly for employees. Mobile POS solutions are often used to shorten long checkout lines and reduce store walkouts. We all look for and want that superior service and outstanding shopping experience. With so many solutions available, finding the right mobile solution for a retail environment can be challenging. Your customers are relying on your expertise to guide them towards a dynamic point of sale solution… so let’s get rid of the cobwebs by taking a closer look at APG’s wide range of mobile solutions. With a variety of APG cash drawer interface options, including MultiPRO, USBPro, and NetPRO, you are sure to find a mobile POS solution that will serve their needs. The NetPRO Ethernet and USBPro interfaces create a wired or wireless configuration to communicate with mobile devices at the point of sale. Or take our TabletPRO Interface… which connects to an iPad using the Lightning jack. Maybe your customer already has a printer-kick cash drawer and wants to introduce a tablet into their POS solution. If so, check out the APG BluePRO Bluetooth device. The BluePRO device, when integrated properly with a compatible POS software partner, will enable your retail customers to wirelessly sync between their printer-kick cash drawer and a tablet. We have demo applications for Android, iOS, and Windows. Not only does this get them up and running with a fairly quick mobile solution, but they also gain valuable counter space and can start reducing long checkout lines. It’s a cost-effective solution and assists sales associates in creating a memorable customer experience.

Did you know convenience stores in the US process 160 million transactions a day? This means $1 in every $31 spent across the U.S. economy takes place in a convenience store. Last year, convenience stores in the United States captured $600 billion in total sales – projected to increase by 3% at the end of 2018. With close to $350 billion of 2017’s total sale of all transactions generated in C-stores being cash, retailers will require a more robust POS solution to assist with better managing and processing cash at the front-end as well as the back office of their stores. According to a Retail Fraud Study, cash shrinkage in convenience stores and gas stations accounted for $4.5 billion because of mismanagement, theft, fraudulent activities, and accounting errors. APG’s revolutionary SMARTtill® Cash Management Solution helps you to virtually eliminate your cash losses by providing very granular insights into transactional discrepancies causing your cash losses. In addition, the SMARTtill® Solution eliminates manual till counts and dramatically reduces the cost of cash handling. The time that cashiers spend counting and reconciling their drawers and managers spend on identifying cash loss will be greatly reduced. Associate productivity will improve, and those saved labor hours can be redeployed to more profit-generating activities in your stores. Also, APG’s Series 4000 and 100 cash drawer solutions provide seamless transactions and longevity for your retail landscapes. Time is money for most customers, why not offer them exceptional convenience through your day-to-day operations to keep them coming back.

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