The pandemic has brought new energy to the cashless movement, but cash still isn't going away. Too many people, especially the elderly as well as the unbanked and underbanked, depend on legal tender for their purchases. That's because cash is...
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Blog + Thought Leadership on POS Trends
Retailers Plan Significant Post-Pandemic Investments
Despite consumers' growing dependence on digital shopping channels, nearly 92% of all sales in 2021 will be fulfilled through local brick and mortar stores, according to IHL research. Meanwhile, local stores are changing, as retailers rush to accommodate new shopping...
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Seven Retail Predictions for 2021
The U.S. and global economies saw significant upheaval because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Apart from grocery, the retail industry took the brunt of the pandemic. The challenges were widespread and resulted in an alarming number of both temporary and permanent...
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Early Black Friday Promotions Pay Off As COVID Shakes Up Holiday Shopping
Black Friday started early this year. Rather than wait for the day after Thanksgiving to entice shoppers with hard-to-resist Holiday promotions, retailers started offering deals as early as October. Recognizing many shoppers are still leery of going into physical stores,...
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Dispensary Retailers Focus on POS Technology First, Cannabis Second
While the COVID-19 pandemic has caused substantial revenue drops in hospitality and most retail segments, the emerging cannabis space has seen sales increases of as much as 30%. With success come challenges as cannabis dispensaries struggle with issues around cash...
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Resetting Marketing Priorities for POS Resellers During a Pandemic
Developing a marketing plan for POS software developers and channel partners is challenging in normal times, a pandemic can make it downright stressful. What do you do when you can't meet customers face to face and everyone is worried about...
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A Long Recovery: Restaurants Coping with the Impact COVID-19
Restaurants are reopening in states that were hit hard with COVID-19 restrictions. Social-distancing policies are not allowing restaurants to return to pre-pandemic operation levels, in most cases they are being forced to function at no more than 50% capacity. Restaurants...
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Coin Shortage Pinches Convenience, Grocery and Retail Merchants
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a number of temporary shortages, including toilet paper, disinfectants and even meat. But one shortage most people likely haven't noticed is affecting retail segments like convenience stores, gas stations and dollar stores. The U.S. coin...
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Retail and Hospitality Trends to Watch After the COVID-19 Pandemic
Robert Banker, Director of smarttill® and Partner Sales at apg®, is a retail technology veteran with extensive experience in solution sales of retail technologies. Robert discusses the impact the COVID-19 pandemic will have on the retail and hospitality industries, as...
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Understanding Responsible Manufacturing and Environmental Responsibilities
Manufacturing and the Environment As a worldwide supplier of cash drawers, we have a responsibility to ensure that our products meet the requirements of our customers, markets and communities we serve. To help accomplish this, the APG team takes an...
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