Global Cash Management Solution Manufacturer to Showcase Cash Drawer Solutions at RSPA’s RetailNOW 2019 in San Antonio, Texas.
For Immediate Release

Minneapolis, Minnesota – July 24th, 2019, APG Cash Drawer a global manufacturer of cash management solutions will partner with top point-of-sale software vendors to display its’ extensive portfolio of general application cash drawer solutions at the RSPA’s 2019 RetailNOW Show in San Antonio, Texas. Attendees can expect to see partners that recommend APG’s solutions to create seamless transactions for a variety of retail environments. Partner solutions will focus on POS applications for the retail, hospitality, grocery and convenience stores verticals. Partnering with leading point-of-sale systems providers, allows show attendees to see how the functionality and performance of these solutions varies.

“With over 40 years of industry experience, we aim to provide superior value through manufacturing reliable and innovative cash management solutions,” stated Bob Stone, Global V.P. of Product at APG. “As the retail POS market matures, the demands being placed on the POS peripherals has changed. At RetailNOW we are pleased to showcase an expanded suite of General Application products to address this market.” “APG’s Partner Showcase is a further commitment to the indirect sales channel” stated Nigel Ball, V.P. of Sales in North America. “We and we are excited to display these solutions with our partners for all attendees to see, demo and discuss at RetailNOW 2019.” As consumer expectations change, so do the needs of retailers and the POS market. APG’s V.P. of Global Marketing and SMARTtill Business Development, Stephen Bergeron, will be one of many guest speakers during RetailNOW’s educational sessions. In these sessions, Stephen will highlight the challenges faced by retailers, explain how the latest POS solutions can curb future revenue losses, as well as how to leverage marketing tools and insights in to thrive in the digital era. For information about our cash drawer solutions schedule a meeting and visit us in booth 407 to demo the products on display.
About APG Cash Drawer
APG Cash Drawer, with over 40 years of experience, manufactures a wide range of highly durable and reliable cash drawers that are delivered quickly to the marketplace. APG has built a reputation as the supplier of choice for cash management solutions for retail, grocery, hospitality, and quick serve for thousands of customers throughout the world. Whether it’s our general application cash drawer, custom designed solutions, or the SMARTtill® Cash Management Solution, our products and brand are differentiated by our ability to deliver innovative technologies that globally enhance efficiency and security at the point of sale. To learn more about our products, visit or call at 763-571-5000. Follow us on Twitter at @apgcashdrawer and on Facebook.